Monday, January 16, 2017

Get on With It

I haven't written for a bit. There's been writer's block, holidays, and a lack of major moments. In my world, no one died, or was born, or got impregnated, or made any tremendous life changes. 

So for the last month, I've been cruising along with daily chores and plans and responsibilities, just waiting for IT to happen. I've held my breath. I've braced for impact. And.....nothing.

Yet today, the United States held the formal inauguration for the 45th president of this amazing country. 

It happened amidst protest and contention and all-around uncertainty on each and every side of the fence (wall?)... In the microcosm, my kiddos and I went through the second day of midterms, a mark of the official halfway point in this school year, a time that is both stressful and a relief.

So with new oaths and dozens (ugh!) of essay exams, do you know what's different this Friday night than any other Friday night? Not much, honestly. I've been in my PJs for an embarrassingly long time, cuddled in with my baby girl while we slurp our respective juices.

I do realize that my experience is not necessarily the experience. Some people I know spent the day in rain-soaked ball caps as they vowed to make America great again. Others are letting the paint dry on their posters as they drive overnight to March on Washington.

Our ideologies might not align. I might not understand or fully empathize with your place in this world (nor you, mine). So, it begs the question: how do I sleep tonight, or any other night for the next four years? (Short answer? I don't really sleep, so if you have a suggestion...)

So how (theoretically) do I sleep? I know that this too shall pass. Often, we encounter struggles that require us to learn and grow through some painful processes. Occasionally, we find that situations work out better than we'd expected. And most of the time, we break on through to the other side.

No one has a perfect record. There are no absolutes, and there are no guarantees. People, and things, move and change and betray...and we endure. D'you know why? Because there's no other possibility....we owe them the future, after all...

Hold on, my loves. We got this. ✌🏼️❤️😍

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