Sunday, March 20, 2016

Worth 1000 Words

It's been a week since I've published a post, the longest I've gone since starting the blog a few months ago. It isn't that I didn't want to write or was too busy to write; rather, the ideas just weren't rolling out like they usually do (and not for lack of effort...there are several sad attempts languishing in my Drafts folder). Rather than maintaining radio silence, though, I have a lot on my mind (life and death, for know, the easy stuff) so I'm going to let some memories, some pictures speak for me....

(The. Most. Important. Revelation. Of. My. Life.)

Silly smiles with silly animals before she fell asleep at the zoo.

My momma and me, my hero, my soulmate.

Strong women + amazing babies = life goals. 

Pop-Pop and Gracie and a puppy dog: some of life's absolutes.

Pure, utter, absolute joy and wonder. #boom

Pure, utter, absolute joy and wonder, take 2.

Sometimes the simplest moments are the best; this was one of the rare times I was able to not only recognize it but to capture it, as well.

Gracie, meet the ocean! No hesitation, no fear (except from her Momma!). My girl has the world by the balls, and I will forever encourage her to hold tight...and twist, if need be. 

Pop-Pop and his grand babies: priceless.

My best friend, my selfless angel, my hetero life mate. Don't we look so wide-eyed and sober?! 😍

My blonde beauties having story time together. A few of my favorite things, all in one place.

It's not always about tremendous depth; sometimes happiness just because (this was a snow day!) is the best.

My best girls love each other across time and distance. What a beautiful relationship between godmother and goddaughter.

My boyfriend!!! Jeremy always said he'd never have kids...😂😂😂! You done good, big brother (and you lucked out with your amazing wife!).

My other best girls. This is what it's all about.

There's no rhyme or reason, no linear order to these photos. They're moments, most of them very simple, that bring me joy and, for now, traces of sadness. But they say exactly what I can't right now. Thank God those pictures are worth so very many words.

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