Monday, September 5, 2016

The Book of Job

When it rains, it pours, and this year has been a monsoon. No need to recap each downpour, but this past weekend -- what should've been a relaxing four-day weekend -- flooded me out. Gracie was sick coming into the weekend, but getting over it by which point I was diagnosed with hand-foot-mouth disease...which felt a lot better this morning while Brian was diagnosed with strep throat at Urgent Care. *deep breath*

Despite spending a few days itchy and sore (and a few more coming up where I'll look like a walker from The Walking Dead as I...shudder...peel), it could be worse. Now, one of my dear friends and I have agreed to stop saying so because it's apparently being taken as some great cosmic challenge. But the thing really could be worse. When I first sat down to write this post, I was sitting in the gorgeous sunshine watching my daredevil careen through the yard on her new 4-wheeler with not a care in the world.

After our grand outdoor adventures, it was time to relax, and Gracie did that the same way she does everything, completely and with absolute devotion (girl zonked out!). And I had to stop and wonder: if this isn't nice, what is?

Life was further tossed into perspective with -- wait for it -- a call from my mom. Just over a week ago, we were wondering if she'd be able to breathe on her own; just over three weeks ago, we were wondering if she'd live through the night. So getting a call from my mom, a call where we giggled and caught up and made plans for the future...hard to beat. Another friend told me to cherish these moments and, until this nearly-normal evening call, I didn't truly realize how much they'd mean to me.

This led me to reflect on what's been happening around me while all of this has been happening to me. When I thought that the first week to school would be nearly impossible with the chaos I had whirling around me, my friends and coworkers took that as a challenge. For starters, a coworker brought me a fresh, homemade lunch every single day. I'd show pictures, but, um...I ate everything before I could take a photo. Oops? (And so, so delicious!)

Then, in the midst of first-week-back craziness and their own busy lives, my (fill in with the best compliment you can possibly imagine) friends showered me with cards: handmade cards with personalized notes and gift cards for gas and food to ease the ache right now. It's rare, but it struck me speechless. If life gets tough, these ladies are the ones you want to have your back.

So, I don't want to make it an ongoing challenge, but could be worse. I have my family, and I have my friends...and there's really not anything else I need.

I love you all! 😘

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