Sunday, July 10, 2016

Don't Blink

Time: it's a slippery thing. A five-minute phone call with my grandmother can last a lifetime while a three-month summer break can pass when you're looking the other direction. Consider one of the first pictures I took of Gracie and one of the most recent pictures I took of Gracie. 

They're separated by nearly four years, yet I can't account for how that much time passed so seemingly quickly. 

Then there's the month of July: July 7 marked 26 years since my dad died and today is the four-month anniversary of Bob's passing. One loss doesn't hurt any more or less than the other. Each has carved a permanent scar, and rather than fading away, each simply becomes one more lasting page in my story.

I find dealing with time to be difficult, and I find it equally challenging when people say that they don't have time because that's not really true, is it? My dad, Bob...they don't have time; it ran right out from under them. If you don't have time for someone or something, it's because you're choosing not to devote time to that person or thing.

That's your right, of course. Time is precious, one of the only gifts we can give but never really get back. Just remember that it works both ways. Don't make someone use their valuable time on waiting for a call, a visit, or any other indicator of authentic caring and respect. 

Time passes, whether we want it to or not. Most often, it passes so very quickly. Try to spend your time like your money: on that which brings you sustenance, happiness, or possibility. 

Enjoy your night...with eyes and heart wide open.

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