2. I still use an ancient iPod that has thousands of songs, but I keep fewer than 50 of them on regular rotation.
3. The only television shows I watch regularly are Once Upon a Time, The Walking Dead, and Survivor.
4. Beauty and the Beast has always been my favorite Disney movie, primarily because of the incredible library in the Beast's castle.
5. I'm a dog person who is terribly allergic to cats, but my daughter's bizarre love of felines has me certain I will have at least one pet cat sooner rather than later.
6. I have five tattoos and am hoping to increase that number by at least three by the end of this summer.
7. I am a Virgo on the Libra cusp with an overwhelming number of the defining characteristics being overwhelmingly accurate...but I'll act like I find astrology, fortunes, and good or bad luck ridiculous.
8. I'm fairly certain water chestnuts are a food of the devil.
9. Brian proposed to me on Easter Sunday with a huge Easter basket loaded with goodies, including a slip of paper asking me to marry him by checking "'yes' or 'yes'".
10. I once pulled a muscle in my back while walking through a haunted house because of how vigorously I ducked from the "monster" that jumped out at me.
11. I wouldn't say they're better, but the film versions of To Kill a Mockingbird, A Time to Kill, and The Green Mile are as good as their source material.
12. Unless my bath or shower water is hot enough that it turns my skin red, it's too cold.
13. I want to skip this one because I'm uneasy about the number 13.
14. The only broken bone I've ever had was the result of slipping in dewy morning grass while wearing rubber flip-flops. It earned me a rod and several screws in my right wrist.
15. If given the opportunity to relive my high school days, I'd never do it...which some see as strange considering my occupation.
16. Talking to strangers and speaking in public always give me sweaty palms and knots in my stomach.
17. I'd love to travel across states in a van with friends chasing concerts of some amazing band or artist...too many possibilities to list here.
18. One of my favorite memories ever is attending Philadelphia Wizard World with my brother and riding the elevator with Lou Ferrigno...and then going back the following year to get our picture taken with him.
19. I watched one of the Nightmare on Elm Street movies as a 5-year-old by hiding behind the couch when my parents thought I was asleep; I'm still freaked out by anything resembling a boiler room.
20. I'd be perfectly content to never cook or clean, and I do both as infrequently as I can manage.
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