I've found myself in an unintentional time warp lately. I'm leaning more heavily on my mom and brother because of a loss, I'm in touch with people I've not seen or heard from in years, and I'm feeling a restless itch to do, see, and experience new things. Call it a mid-life (I hope not!) crisis or an existential dilemma, but I'm contemplating the world pretty heavily right now.
Mom, Jeremy, and I dealt with it initially via beer and fried foods. A bit simplistic, perhaps, but human. After all, aren't some of our greatest comforts as little ones a cool glass of milk with a warm grilled-cheese sandwich? If a drink and snack can't cure our life woes, well, what can?!
It's not just the external that's taking me back in time, though. For reasons far too long and foolish to articulate (essentially, I'm an idiot), I spent years not talking to one of the very best friends I've ever had. Through the (sometimes positive!) workings of social media, I'm once again able to be in touch with someone I loved, lost...and continued to love through the woefully neglected times.
Then there's the bonding that occurs purposefully, even if time doesn't allow it to happen as often as we'd like. Amber has been my friend for longer than I can remember. It touches my heart that she is the only one of my friends who met my dad before he passed when I was six. She lives out-of-state, has three little boys, and a life far different (farmer's wife with three boys) than mine. Yet, whenever I see her, it's like time stands still...even with my attention-starved daughter photo-bombing our pictures.
But for the feeling that time hasn't passed when we visit with one another, there is the undeniable proof that the pages of the calendar do indeed continue to flip, much more quickly than I'd like to admit. After all, if Amber and I were still the same girls we were in school (elementary, middle, or high...take your pick), it wouldn't be possible for our kids to play together, would it?!
Perhaps even more substantially, if time wasn't passing, it wouldn't be possible for Amber and me to tease her mom and my mom, now would it? Especially since Amber and I became childhood playmates partially because our moms were childhood playmates, as well...not that they can remember it in their old ages... 😂
Isn't it something how time passes, seasons change...and life remains oddly constant? If I look back 10, 20, even 30 years ago (yikes!!!), I have my family, my friends, and my hopes for the future. And if those are the only three constants in a world of inconsistencies, well, that's alright with me.