Thursday, February 25, 2016

True Colors

You know that adult coloring is a thing now, right? It's everywhere: coloring books geared to grown-ups with intricate and abstract designs, Color Between the Wines events, and local studios hosting coloring parties...It. Is. Everywhere. So what kind of pseudo-wannabe-trendy hipster would I be if I didn't join in at least once?

A few of my favorite ladies joined me for a night out of coloring, sipping (BYOB...gotta show some restraint), and chatting about nothing and everything all at once.

And if I do say so myself, we (okay, fine, they) created masterpieces (and I chose a picture from the book entitled Unicorns are Jerks...apparently fine art is not my thing...what a shock!)

(And seriously, it's a wonder that these lovely ladies are willing to be seen with me!) As for my in-progress handiwork -- the judgmental unicorn won me over; what can I say?

And beautiful (from them) or tacky (from me) pictures notwithstanding, it was a fun night. We tussled over which picture to choose, which pencil to use, and how well Peeps paired with wine (as it turns out: not well, lol).

So yes, I -- a 32-year old wife, mother, and full-time professional -- spent two hours out with friends so we could color. Apparently, the trend is big right now because it's supposed to be therapeutic. Well, I'm not sure if the coloring has any bearing on the relaxation, but I am damn sure that a night with the smart, wonderful women I'm fortunate enough to call my friends is exactly what I needed...and that's why I love them. 😉

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