But my intention in writing this blog is to continue the tradition of sharing the thing that best binds us together: stories. I've addressed some of the major challenges in my life and some of the issues that haunt me. But you know what I haven't really expressed? The pure fun of storytelling.
I have some old standbys and some current favorites.
Old standbys:
The first pop culture story I remember obsessing over was Buffy the Vampire Slayer (sadly, I admit, the movie version; I still claim, however, that I was so intuitive in recognizing a good story that I simply recognized Buffy's and Joss's brilliance well-ahead of their time). Buffy was never just the spooky story with the silly name. Buffy always meant so much more:
Many people dismiss Buffy as trivial. Joss Whedon, after creating and bringing-to-life Buffy, gained international acclaim as writer & director of The Avengers, one of the most (successful, financially AND critically) testosterone-driven films ever. So why do I value his stories so much? Well, a blog is limited by both time and space, but here's just a sampling of my appreciation for this man's vision.
I have a daughter. (Understood? Because I'm not even close to finished telling you about her!) A wildly successful, creative, and articulate man is blazing the trail FOR MY DAUGHTER, and every other little (or big) girl in today's world. How do we NOT value the tremendous efforts of his storytelling?
The first film I remember loving and holding dear is Tombstone. I have the DVD (old-school, I know) and make it a point to watch it whenever I can. Why? Because the story, based on true events, seeps with authenticity.
Books, movies, and yes, television shows, have the ability to make us think, feel, and bring us together. I forever revert to my old favorites, but what holds my attention today? So glad you asked...😉
I'm a slave to imagination. I love stories that drip with clearly-fictional elements while commenting pervasively on real-world issues. My current favorites? Once Upon A Time and The Walking Dead.
Once Upon A Time is grounded (???) in the world of fairytales, some of my favorite stories ever. And because I'm human, I'm also drawn to this...
...and this...
Who doesn't want the dashing hero (and good Gawd a'mighty, how perfectly delicious is Colin O'Donoghue?!!?) willing to play a bit dirty for his true love. There's an eternal appeal and, yes, FUN, to the idea of Happily Ever After.And just in case you have a greater interest in the grittier side of life, well, The Walking Dead meets your needs. I love it on my own:
But it's amazing to see how, with both of these shows (and yes, so very many others) the way total strangers around the world alone and together gather in hopes of getting a well-deserved happy ending:
Isn't it crazy (and cool and beautiful and mind-blowing) how "normal" people bond together over...stories? Yes, stories are the driving force of our heartbeats. I could place the responsibility on strangers, but that would be deceptive. This is what was happening during the latest TWD with two of my dear friends and fellow teachers:
It's intense, and it's real, and it's just plain fun! Stories sweep us away, and I love riding out the wave.
Is there a show or film or book that feeds your soul?! Eat and drink (and read, listen, or watch) deeply, and do so without guilt, because stories are the very best thread that binds us together. I wish you the best on your personal journey to Happily. Ever. After.
Sweet dreams!