My daughter is growing up in a world where an affluent man can rape an unconscious woman and receive a slap on the wrist for fear harsher ramifications will damage him.
My daughter is growing up in a world where people who typically voice their thoughts on political matters by voting are staying silent because of the utter lack of promise in the candidates.
I go to work each day of the school year with young adults who are utterly convinced that the world they are about to inherit is absolutely, 100% fucked. Yes, that is the word they use. Yes, they do say and write it to me. Does it offend you? I hope so...because I find it terribly offensive that the world we're building for the youth is -- you got it -- fucked.
Yet, this notion is nothing new to me. As a teenager, I remember thinking and talking about the sad state of affairs my peers and I were about to dive into as *gulp* adults. Why, then, would I go on to a profession where I'm to guide our future leaders into the world? Why, then, would I intentionally bring a child into a world that seems to be imploding? Someone far younger and far wiser than I said it best:
It's that very belief that reminds me that there are two sides to every story. I do believe in the power of good over evil. And spending time with my daughter, my friends' children, my God, if anyone can fix this world, it's them. So...on the flip side...
My daughter is growing up in a world where people from all around the globe band together to show love and support for someone - anyone - enduring tragedy, on the planet - anywhere.
My daughter is growing up in a world where an anonymous victim can use her situation, circumstances, and eloquent response to spur citizens to action on behalf of an unknown who could be their mother, their sister, their daughter.
My daughter is growing up in a world where all men and women have the opportunity to run this country because there was someone, somewhere who at some time truly believed that everyone is equal...regardless of credentials. 😉
The headlines today are bloody, dark, and depressing. But that's today. Once this day is over, we have tomorrow to try again. And if you can't quite see the light, just remember: